Strive for simplicity. Deliver sophistication.

    Welcome to FastVue Testing where science meets discovery. FastVue Testing provides a wide range of testing solutions, including urine, hair follicle, breath alcohol, saliva fluid, wellness testing. We serve both individuals and businesses, offering services for post-accident, pre-employment, random testing, and regulatory compliance. Our experienced team is committed to delivering reliable, high-quality testing to meet the highest industry standards. We provide our customers with accurate, reliable, and insightful DNA testing services to help you uncover your unique genetic story. At FastVue Testing, we understand that DNA is more than just a strand of code—it’s a roadmap to your heritage, health, and identity. Our team and partner Alliance DNA Laboratory has experienced counselors and collectors that are committed to delivering high-quality testing with a focus on customer care and education. Our mission at FastVue Testing is to empower individuals and families through genetic knowledge. Whether you’re tracing paternity, exploring health risks, or simply satisfying your curiosity, we’re here to guide you every step of the way. We believe that everyone deserves to understand their genetic makeup, and we strive to make our services accessible and understandable for all.